heavy earthquake and tsunami in japan on saturday march 12, 2011.Looking at breaking news on CNN TV i was really impressed by the force of nature based on an impressive wave coming ashore on the N.E.coast of Japan.The impact was enormously: more than 1000 peoples dead or missed they say in Tokyo.At least 20 other countries will be hit by the nature as a result of this quake.Taiwan is nearby,the Philippines ( East coastline),Northern PH,Northern Luzon,Peoples will be evacuated soonest,means since the start of tsunami at 2,35 hours(?)pm the evacuation should be done before 6 p.m.PH time.If the wave went down from 9 meters to 2 meters,even then peoples should be aware of the effects:they have to go to the second floor of their houses or be evacuated soonest.The time in between the first wave and the last one is at least 2 hours,the Phil authorities ask the peoples to stay alert untill 10 p.m.in the evening.
another effect of the tsunami is the damage from a power plant in Japan.Nuclear outfall is supposed to take place.
The whole afternoon we were watching TV, it was impossible to walk away from it.Water destroyed evrything,houses,land,crops,schools,trains were down placed,nuclear plant on fire,unbelievable.
we wish all peoples in Japan courage to continue with their lives,we wish them all courage to say farewell to the dead peoples,we pray for Japan,God bless Japan.
Question: is the Philippines ready to withstand such an earthquake?Are the houses quake proved? Answer(s);the houses can stand a quake of 5 to 6(7),the capital city Manila is a problem,the bay of Manila and the Pasig river will be rough and dangerous at that time.We need a system of waterway defence system,such as in the Netherlands,after the 1953 disaster.The bay is a dangerous spot,the whole of manila will be under water,many peoples will die.So President,do something,mobilize the House and Senate,make funds available,make peoples alert for a massive eartquake.Because also we are on the Ring of Fire!!
God bless us!