Saturday, June 12, 2010

reproductive health,you want more classrooms,why not control population?

what do we see this week?again the discussion and debate about getting children in the philippines.Do the parents want sex education or leave it just to the Catholic Church,saying no reproductive health bill at all.!
the yearly increase of population is more than 1,5 million peoples with a population which is over 90 million!!!!!!
what do we read in the newspapers:

DepEd pressed to cancel reproductive health plan ............................................................................

.I discussed this topic several times in a Forum/Group in
i got numerous reactions,comments and even negative response.
leave it to the parents..................what? the parents ,esp.of poor families in faraway areas,barangays,have no idea about birth control,about pre conditional items,about a responsable parenthood.And when interested parties advocate birth control,let it be condoms,than the whole country is upset!
God will tell the parents to get children,go and multiply,......................................
The Church is totally against a stricter birth control program.
No birth regulation they say.
The DEpEd only wants to bring more educational materials about the matter into the classrooms.Just to study and make the families more aware of the effects of unlimited birth in this country.
Being more poor families,more children,less classrooms,less teachers,no buildings to accommodate them all.
Health situation deteriorates during unlimited birth increase.
result,the government has to supply enormous quantities of food to these poor peoples.
i accept that a developing country needs time to level up their population to a responsable standard/family.
But we can not close our eyes for the growing number of births.

It is very easy to punish the big companies in USA and Europe which want to sell their birth control programs to the PH.It is too easy to fulminate against them.or against similar organizations which advocate a Reproductive Health Policy.I remember the Opinion sites of PH newspapers which were fumigating against the Ambassador of the European Union when he adressed the PH about a reproductive health program.
We are certainly following the Presidents ideas and his Cabinet members ideas
about this topic.
It seems that the President is totally aware of the problem ,but he is also under heavy pressure of the Catholic Church.We should not underestimate their influence in the PH.
Overall we follow the developments and for more details see my articles in,Forum and Group pages,see item Reproductive Health Bill.

maraming salamat
God bless the philippines

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